Russell Aaron Designs

WordCamp Reno: Russell Aaron: Build Your Website Before You Install WordPress

Reno WordCamp Developer Room

WordCamp Reno Tahoe 2013 was awesome. If you missed it, I got you covered. This years Reno-Tahoe WordCamp had some amazing speakers, a great venue and an even more impressive set of presentations. Every attendee had nothing but positive reviews of the event.

This year at the WordCamp Reno, I had a presentation called “Build Your WordPress Site Before You Install WordPress”. This was a presentation dedicated to helping developers and business owners understand the necessary tools and techniques in order to build websites on time. I wanted to help people understand that there are more ways to build a website than just thinking of an idea and ordering your business cards. That’s a fair point I feel like. It’s honest and to the point.

I got to meet some very influential speakers in the WordPress and WordCamp community. For that, I will always be grateful. I learned a lot from the speakers and even more from the attendees.

The Speakers Dinner

If you have never spoken at a WordCamp Reno event, or WordCamp event all together, there is always some kind of small get together for all of the speakers and organizers of the event. This year we held the event at a place called Louis Basque Corner. Man it was amazing. A 7 course meal, and beer for days. I had a blast. Lets leave it at that. Megan Duggan put on an amazing event. She even made a speech. Way cool of her. We all had some laughs and went home to prepare for the mornings event. The speakers dinner, to me, is always a great place to meet your idols. I mean talk about some class acts.

The WordCamp Reno Event

This years event was something amazing. We had an impressive Keynote Speaker, the campus of UNR was more than suiting for a day of WordPress Education. I do not think there could of been a better day for the event. There were two rooms. Developer track and User/Business track. I spent most of my day in the developer room. Mostly because I wanted to see the talks before me and if I was going to be repeating some information. I didn’t. The first 5 speakers before me all had the same idea. We really followed each other well. Almost too well if you ask this guy. None the less, it was a great room.

I’ll stop talking now. Here is my WordCamp Reno presentation, and some pictures. Enjoy!

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