Russell Aaron Designs

WordCamp Albuquerque 2013 #WCABQ


The WordCamp experience can be a lot of fun if you have amazing speakers / presenters, the right tracks and an amazing local WP community. That’s what the organizers of this years 2013 WordCamp Albuquerque arranged. We had 3 tracks, a happiness bar and a class that taught kids how to use WP. How cool is that?

Hackathon –

In Las Vegas, we had ourself an even called Givecamp. An amazing way to build a website and more for some awesome non-profits. Well, the ABQ Hackathon did the same thing. There was a mixture of Developers, Designers and Content Writers. After a theme was picked out, hosting was set up and some other decisions were made, the site started coming together. I might of had a few drinks or 6. You can’t prove it.


Being at a WordCamp with the same people makes you fall into a routine. It’s an amazing routine, but routine none the less. Well, I did just that with all of the people from Automattic, Media Temple and 10UP! I learned a lot and might of helped a few new presenters with their presentations. OK, a lot. But I’ve gotten help from numerous sources and I like to give back. I learned a lot about design and social media techniques. There were some presentations that had code in them, but not overly done. it’s kind of refreshing. The venue for the WordCamp was a convention center. As WordCampers walked in, they were shown a warm smile and asked if they wanted to sign up for the church services sessions going on. After a polite no, they found us, in the back corners of the building. It was pretty funny.

The speakers dinner was at this amazing place called Q Burger. They served family style dinners, featuring burgers cut in half, and all gourmet. I had a hatch chile and red pepper burger. Not bad at all. Then we all went drinking at this place above the original bar we were supposed to be in. The group all sat on couches, and it was like being nack at a high school party / college dive bar. It was so much fun. I have some pictures of us before we got crazy!


Sunday was really interesting. The group released the website from the Hacakthon, cards were exchanged and even talks of collaborations were going on. Not a bad way to end the WordCamp.

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