Russell Aaron Designs


Yesterday I snapped into a slim jim. No seriously. I was at Walmart and bought a “Monster Size” slim jim. I started making a red car with yellow bear rips on the hood. Then I realized that there was a better way to go about this. So I started making a retro looking Slim Jim logo. something simple, something that’s going to pop under the lights and shine well throughout the races during daylight hours. So I decided to make the base of the car red. I made some bear rips yellow with black and white strokes. I found a font I slightly liked and edited from there.

From there, I made some brushes out of shapes. I was trying to make the “monster size” logo that is on the monster sized slim jim available now. After failed attempts, I realized that I would just like to make the car design more like a comic book. So the fonts are blocked out, there are lots of gradient colors and there will be a lot of carbon fiber squares coming soon. I’ve also decided that I should make some other cars. SO here are all of the new cars I’ve made in the past few weeks. Enjoy!

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