Russell Aaron Designs

Old Friends Never Forget, Unless They Forget. Then You Just Seem Like You’re Stuck In The Past.

It’s funny when you reconnect with old friends you grew up with. Things about your past come back into memory and you transform from “someone in a suit and tie that makes a car payment into being 13 years old again sitting at the kids table for Thanksgiving. “. That last quote was from a man named Merlin Mann who is on one of my favorite podcast’s called YOU LOOK NICE TODAY. It’s funny and true all at the same time. It’s like when you go home. You are that kid your mom knows only as “The son of a bitch who broke my god damn windows”.

Recently I talked with a person from my childhood and we talked for a minute. Literally. It went like this:


So nothing was accomplished and I am still left with questions. Does he hate kids like me? Does he have any? Maybe I should of asked that first before I get into my hatred for kids?

Either way, I guess you have to be a different person before you act like yourself around someone you have not talked to in like 10 years. Highly Noted.


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