Hello World is always the first blog post you will see when you install WordPress for the first time. I have decided that I am going to keep the title and the url, but re-write the article. I am curious to find out if there will be any SEO advantage to it. I imagine there will be none, since I am removing the contents of the article. When you first read the Hellow World Post, the content of the WordPress Post reads: “<i>Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!</i>”. Now that I think about it. Maybe a long way down the road there could be some SEO advantages since I just included the actual content. The other “default” thing that come with WordPress would be the Sample Page. The last “default” thing about WordPress is the Comment by Mr. WordPress that can be found at the very bottom of this posting.
Why does WordPress do this? Well it’s because the writers of WP decided so, and they wanted to have some sample data in the site. So when you first log into your dashboard, you see that there is already one post and one page and one comment already in place. It is kind of a “Here is where to look for Pages, Post & Comments sections.” That is just one of the basic reasons I would sell someone on the idea of using WordPress as a Content Management System. Being able to have some default setting make it easier to understand what is going on and that is why I use it. Saving time one you learn something to do more productive things. Which is another post I want to Link you to. Vegasgeek.com. John Hawkins is a WordPress developer that builds WP sites off of the Genesis Framework. His stuff is amazing. You should go to his site and read his blog about Knowing When To Say When. It’s a great read.
Did you know that most of the websites that I have built are “Responsive”? That means that this blog, and the rest of my work, fits onto a smart phone, tablet and computer with out having to have a different website template for each browser width. Try it. Shrink the width of this browser and watch what happens. This concludes the first blog of my brand new site.
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