While i was waiting for the next truck to back up and become prepped for the next unloading party, I had a friend from the past ask me if she could ask me the difference between posts and pages inside of WordPress. I have not spoke to her in about 2 years. Last time we spoke, I built her site on WordPress and I was living on my own. I was still at Valley West Mortgage and just getting to the peak of my performance.
During our phone call, we were discussing how WordPress works, and the basics of WP. We kicked a few Idea’s around and then we started chatting about random topics. That’s what we did when we used to talk and Skype for hours. It was nice. I’m not gonna lie. It’s funny how people think they change, and then they talk to an old friend and you realize that nothing in the world has changed. You just change how you interact with new friends in a completely different way. That makes you think that you changed as a person. The truth is that you didnt. In fact, you never change. because we all have a unique pattern in the way we operate. Instead of ditching the past, we use old tricks, in new ways and that makes you think you changed in this whole new way.
Let me explain. You have this idea. I want to change as a person. So you are no longer going to say certain words, phrases or what ever you want. But, the way you get to that point might involve tricks from the past, including things you might not even realize. Think of it like a signature. Everything you do has your signature, residue or dna attached to it. When you do things, like make a decision or jump off the roof, you do it in your own style.
It’s just crazy to still be able to have the same conversations you had 2 years ago, even though you have not talked, skyped, emailed or social media-ed. Just crazy!
On Another Note…..