You look at the school crisis going on right now and it makes you sick. Well that is, if you keep up with what is going on. If you catch a news report every 6 months, you voice your opinion and then … [Read more...]
Try explaining computers to anyone non tech savy. It’s harder than it sounds.
Everyone has interests or hobbies and it is that point a lone that I can say anyone can learn computers. At the same time, the hobby or interest must have some kind of structure and or hierarchy of … [Read more...]
Dating Rules 101. I’d like this to be on the record your honor.
Relax. It's going to be ok. I promise. OK, I lied. You are so Effed. So what if the last guy you met was a jerk. The girl you went on a date with ended up having a boyfriend with arms larger than … [Read more...]
Old Friends Never Forget, Unless They Forget. Then You Just Seem Like You’re Stuck In The Past.
It's funny when you reconnect with old friends you grew up with. Things about your past come back into memory and you transform from "someone in a suit and tie that makes a car payment into being 13 … [Read more...]
Having patients and being able to keep up. These do go together.
I think Dennis Leary said it best. Being a man means that you can go from thinking about one thing to another to another in less than 2.4 seconds. I think about this a lot, because I think a lot. … [Read more...]